Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Rainy Tuesday

It's another rainy morning here in this side of the world. However, no matter how gloomy the skies are right now I'm not gonna let it make my day gray. I know, rather I would like to believe that this day is gonna be bright and shiny even if the weather tends to contradict me (Wohooo, talk about overflowing positivism!).

Oh, well. It's a rainy Tuesday but a Tuesday nonetheless and to make it a happy and memorable day is gonna be up to us. And I'm gonna try my hardest to make this day a good day (yipee!).

Have a great rainy Tuesday everyone!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

One of my favorite movies: Idiocracy

One of my most favorite movie of all time is "Idiocracy". I love, love, love the plot, the characters, everything even though some of the effects aren't that great still I love, love, love it. It's a fun movie yet it makes sense. I first saw it with my friends in one of my classes in college and since then I have fell in love with it. I mean personally, I really like that movie. For me it's like a social commentary, the one that shows us a different perspective of the world and society. For some this can be an exaggeration but that's just my opinion and everyone is free to have their own (^-^).  

What I really mean is that, when you watch the movie you laugh so hard and then pause for a moment asking yourself the "What if" question. What if this will be the future? What if this will be the kind of society the next generations will have? What if it's already happening now? What if... What if...

For those who haven't seen the movie (it was released in 2006 according to Wikipedia). I can give a short overview of the movie's plot.

Here it goes:

So, the government was trying an experiment on human hibernation and so they chose a very average man and woman as the test subjects. Then there was a problem that caused the project to be junked and forgotten. 

Fast forward 500 years. The test subject, "Joe" woke up in a society where people are dumb and regard intellectual ones with anger, hatred or pure discrimination. A world where an energy drink replaced water as the primary source for hydrating all life forms and water being just used for toilets (Imagine a world like that!).  

The story then rotates with Joe and he's co-test subject, Rita in their quest to find the 'time machine' (you have to see what that really is) while trying to save their lives from danger of being persecuted.

That's the meat of the movie. It really is a fun movie that me and my friends have enjoyed. For you to know if it really is a good movie (and well, know the whole story of the movie since I'm not really that awesome at writing summaries) I would advise you to see the movie for yourself and you can tell me your opinion about it.

Here's my favorite line form Idiocracy:

"Lead, follow or get out of the way"

Have a great Saturday everyone. :)

looking back on weekends

Back when I was a kid I look forward to weekends for it means two days with no class and I can play with my friends for two whole days. I guess every kid thinks that way. Then I thought maybe when I get older my thoughts on weekends will change, but it did not. 

I have always thought that growing up is fun. I was one of those typical kids (I don't think I'm that unique) who can't wait to grow-up. Those type that used to role play as a working professional and tend to act like a grown-up person / an adult. But then when I started to really be on my way to adulthood, it suddenly hit me that I don't want to be an adult that fast and right now that I'm a grown-up I can't help myself into giving in to the fantasies of being a kid again. I mean, I wanna enjoy the freedom and the carefree nature of being a child. Those times when I can be myself and act without thinking that the world may judge me. That time when I can say what I want without  weighing things down and thinking what the outcome of my words would be. That time when I can be honest to everyone and I don't have to care what the world thinks.

Those were the days. The days when my only woes were the end of the weekend. The days wherein foes or rivals seemed to not exist and if they do they never really last for at the end of the day we'd still play together. Those days that are now in past.

It is said that one should never dwell on the past but rather make it as a reference of some sort for the future. Oh well, I can't really help myself to romanticize my childhood memories (I just can't ^-^). 

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, November 16, 2012

half awake and thinking of cupcakes

I'm actually still rather very much sleepy but then again I have to get up in order to do stuff I have to do. However, no matter how sleepy and draggy I'm feeling right now there's still a part of me that urges myself to think that today's gonna be a great day if I'm willing to make it one. I mean, if I really want it to be a great day then probably it's going to be a great day. Wow, that's kinda redundant, huh? (hahahaha)

I would like to believe that when you really want something and try your hardest to get it, then it will be at your reach soon. So, hopefully thinking, wanting and trying to have a great day would be enough for me to have one today. (I want a cupcake) T-T 

This is rather an incoherent, draggy, and meaningless post. But then again I guess this is what you get if you try to blog when you are just half awake. To serve as partly my apology for this post, here's a cupcake.

Have a great day everyone. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

tomorrow is going to be a new day

This day ended with a surprise (a good kind of surprise). Well, it's not a surprise birthday party if you might ask, it's about something that I can't divulge for fear that I might jinx it. I'm so excited if ever this will push through and hopefully it will (*fingers crossed).

For the past few weeks, I have nothing to anticipate upon. It felt almost like, I have been living a life composed of boring routines even though I strive to make each and everyday a 'new day'. Hopefully tomorrow will be.

Here's a teddy bear for you guys. Hope it will help you have a good night. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Raindrops on the rooftop

It's another rainy day, like literally. I woke up this morning to the sound of raindrops falling from the skies to my rooftop and the occasional greeting of the thunder as if saying good morning. The sound of the rain felt like music to my ears. I guess I wake up on the right side of the bed even if I slept for just a few hours or I just really don't have any plans to go out today.  

I'm just wondering why people tend to use rain as a metaphor for sadness, problems, and what-not. Probably the gloominess of the skies when it rains is one of the reasons. I mean, when one has problems it makes one gloomy and sad. 

Have a great day everyone. :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

TOO TIRED to read

I love books and I love reading though ever since I got a job I have never finished reading the one that I have started about a month ago. It is kind of sad for it was a good book but whenever I get home I tend to just eat dinner then go straight to sleep. I guess I'm still adjusting with the whole work-related-stress thing. Hopefully I can cope up with it sooooooooon.

Have a good Saturday everyone! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Showing up an HOUR early for a Job Interview

I know it's great to arrive early for a job interview but to arrive an hour early is kind of sad. That happened to me though (HAHAHA)/ But then again, I think in some way it helped with me getting the job maybe it impressed them or something.

Have a great morning! :)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Power of a Smile

I was just wondering how really powerful a smile can be. If it is true that you can help brighten another person's day just by smiling. 

The thing is, usually people are so busy that they tend to go about their own businesses, not caring about the people around them. A good example would be the morning rush, people tend to pass by each other trying to walk fast so as not to be late in their jobs, schools, or meetings. You're probably asking where I'm going with this, right? Here's the story:

A few weeks ago, I was walking along with everyone else one morning when a person came across me, he was walking too. He was smiling at everyone and he smiled at me too, even greeted me good morning. As a normal reaction I smiled back. I don't know who he is really but it was a good way to start the day. I mean, I found myself smiling at people that came my way that morning and even though some did not smile back there are also some that did and it kind of gives off a certain happy feeling. I think I should thank that guy for making me start that day with a smile, so whoever you are anonymous guy "Thank you.":)

When I think about it, a smile can really have a big effect on others. I mean, wouldn't it? For example, when your buying stuff in a grocery store or ordering a meal in a fast food joint wouldn't the experience be more awesome if the teller / cashier greets you with a smile?

To end, I think I know now how powerful a smile can be. :)))

Have a great Sunday!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Internet's clasp

I guess, we all have that experience of trying to look for inspiration on the net or try to do some research and end up surfing the whole day long, forgetting why we came there in the first place.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

memories triggered by old things

I visited my old blog today and it made me miss school. I guess, it's because most of my posts there is about the fun and stress-filled days I had back when I was in college (it has been actually just around six or seven months since I graduated). It really ain't such long time yet, but I do miss being in those four walled classrooms, especially the time I had with my friends (awwwwwww :3).

I have a huge feeling this post will probably be tinted with the "emo" stuff I have read in my old blog (HAHAHA). So, forgive me if ever it will be.

You know what, I have this tendency to solve things on my own. I don't know really I just find it hard to ask for help from others, even if I know they'll be willing to help. I'm just scared I guess. I'm scared that I'll become a pain in their butts, I'm scared that they might brush me away, I'm scared that.... Though, I know I have to try and reach out more often. Believe me, it's hard to do that specially if you've sealed yourself up so tight. It's like trying to break down a very thick wall of stone made stronger through time or trying to open a door without a key (weird analogues huh?).

In another matter, just so I can drive these sad thoughts I'm having, I had fun reading my old blog. It's like reliving the glory days of my last year in college again. Like being my old carefree, sometimes quirky self again (HAHAHAHA).

I guess that's all for now.  

post halloween - halloween special

Hello! Here's Myma's Halloween Special... :)

Wouldn't that be scary if you thought a ghost was just wearing a costume? What would you do if this happened to you? 

Happy Halloween!  :)