Monday, October 29, 2012

For Halloween

I can really feel that Halloween is just around the corner. I mean, almost every channel I flip to on T.V. has shows with the theme of the spooks and everything ghoulish. That, plus posters of  Halloween costume parties are flooding the streets.

Well, I'm fond of horror movies so why not. I actually enjoy this time of year, I love it when malls and department stores fill their racks with them fun and scary costumes. I have never really tricked or treated before (I would have really loved to though) but I like wearing costumes and to be given treats for it would be really great.

Happy Halloween! and I would like to congratulate myself for posting daily on this space for five (5) consecutive days. That's an achievement for me, I'm more of an occasional blogger (I post whenever I want to, whatever I want to).

Once again, advance Happy Halloween! :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

The launching of "Myma's Misadventures"

Hello everyone!

I'll be "launching" my first comic strip ever (yipeeeeee - but I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this). 

Meet Myma, she's a quirky, fun-loving, a bit naive and most of the time broke 20-something. Join her in her misadventures in life.  

Don't you just hate it when there's a sale but the prices are still too high for your budget? :)

Have a great day everyone. :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Waking up super early and lovin' it

Have you ever tried of waking up on the thought that you're already late for something but when you look at the clock it's still very early?

This just happened to me today. I was still in dreamland (at least I think I was) when my eyes sprung wide open and the thought that "Hey, wake up it's already 8!" is supplied to your mind. I almost jumped out of bed only to be feeling sorry for myself when I look at the clock.

Yes! I woke up at 3 in the morning (well it was around 3:30 though -I'm over exaggerating). So, I went back to bed, tried to sleep again when a drum and lyre core passed by our house at 4 a.m (belting their parade tune out) waking me up even more. So, I got up and figured "I'm awake now, might as well be productive".

Well, I did woke up with a great mood today, so, instead of trying to go back to sleep, here I am blogging about it (hahaha :D).

Have great Saturday everyone! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

One Awesome FriDATE

As expected (a day out with my awesome friends) my day has been full of epic randomness. It was awesome! We spent the whole afternoon, catching up and doing the most random things we thought of.

It was a much needed break from my almost dull-monotonous life. As if a break from reality that brings me to a world of the care-free. Right now, I'm a very happy bee. :D

At times like this, normally, I would have taken photos to document all the fun but sadly my camera is not in the mood of taking pictures for now (I'm still in denial of the fact that it's not working anymore). I miss my camera. I'm hoping its tantrums will be over soon (*fingers crossed). If not, I guess I just need to put "a new camera" in my list of things to ask from Santa this Christmas next to world peace and good health to one and all :).

 How's your day been?

Hope you like my scribbles using my laptop's touchpad. :)))


Good Morning!

It's still 6 a.m. here in this side of the globe. I wake up early today (well, I wake up early everyday but today is unusual given that today is a holiday here). I guess because I'm excited for later, me and my friends will go out for another afternoon full of randomness and probably some pizza (wohoooo).

How I imagine my afternoon will be full of haha's and blah-blah's
(for with them it's always full of laughter and chitchat- yipee)
I'm so excited, I haven't really gone out recently due to stuff and what-not so this is my chance to. Plus, I haven't really seen them for a while now and I miss their company.
Do you have plans for today? What is it?

A happy Friday to one and all. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rainy days and memories

It has been another rainy day, it was to be expected with the tropical depression and all. Just as the rain fell almost as if endlessly from the gray skies, memories of my childhood days came pouring in.

I remember, before I used to love it when it rains especially when there's a typhoon. We used to run around and take a bath in the rain (we do take a real bath after). When there's a tyhoon, most of the time classes and work are cancelled making me and my family all stay at home, where we play monopoly or chess together while drinking hot drinks or sipping hot soup home-cooked by my mother (YUM!).

Even when the power is out due to the strong winds, we, as a family tend to find a way to make the experience a fun one. We tend to make shadow puppets using our hands and forming it like animals and stuff. One of my most favorite part during those times is when the power comes back on and we blow each candles one by one, singing the birthday song before blowing the fire out.

I really love it when that happens and I miss those days (though I would like to clarify that I don't love nor like the disasters brought about by typhoons).

Oh, the memories. It's fun to reminisce them every once and a while.

Do you love reminiscing memories too? Hope everyone's having a good day!

Gray Skies and Colorful Umbrellas

It has been constantly raining since yesterday and well the gloomy skies seems to still be gloomy. According to the news, the weather is brought by a tropical depression hence, the gloomy skies and constant rain. The weatherman advised that we should bring umbrellas and coats, that is if we have plans to go out (e.i. work, school, and what-not).

However, in spite of the gray weather, there is one thing that I'm anticipating during rainy days like these. The parade of colorful umbrellas that people sport. It's kinda amusing how many variety of umbrellas there are and how they come in different colors (the kid within me starts to show up in times like these). I guess, it's my way of self-motivation to steer my thoughts away from the otherwise depressing weather.
How's your weather? Hopefully it's not as gloomy as mine. :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First POST evah!!!

Hello, Bea here!

I guess this space is my third attempt on blogging, wish me luck (*fingers crossed). So, welcome to my new space here on the net.

Here's my first offering, my out-of-the blue scribble...

Hope you like it. Feel free to comment if you want to... hehehe :)